February 14, 2006

Valentines Day

I didn't even know it was valentines day until I stopped by the coffeehouse today. It just doesn't seem like it is. I remember last valentines day. I spent almost all day with my fiancee. Now I'm single. I'm not complaining, it's a good thing that I'm single now. I really wasn't ready for a relationship last year, and it got messed up. Maybe I'll tell more of that story some other time...

I don't know if I'm going to be doing anything special today. I don't really have any reason to. Maybe I'll go home and read... or just hang out here at the coffeehouse for a while and see if anyone interesting comes in.

Hehe... I just thought... for part of my valentines gift I got four pairs of thick black socks. They've been my main socks for a whole years now. No wonder they're getting worn out...

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