August 13, 2006

a full week, a big surprise, and a big decision

Well, surprisingly, my car is now fixed. I guess the guy at the shop got tired of it just sitting there or something. My mom and step-dad paid for it, and I'll be paying them back as soon as possible. Even though the car is home now, I'm not going to be dirving it again for a while. It currently doesn't have insurance, and I really want to wait and save up some money before having to start that up again (not to mention paying for gas... eek). It's been really good for me to be riding bike so far, and I plan to ride until there's snow on the ground (which might be until next spring, if it's anything like last year...). My pasrents are happy with that decision as well, and really don't want me to be driving until at least I pay them back for it (and get insurance again, of course). So, this means I still can't leave town on my own, but I don't mind (I like this town just fine myself). Again a big thank-you for everyone who's given me rides in the past few weeks and all.

In other news, I just finished a full week of work. My lead was on vacation, so I had to step up and take over for the week. It was really an experience. It was actaully rather pleasant to be able to guide myself through everything that needed doing throughout the week, and I realized that there are a few things that I need to start doing better (things that I'd been leaving for the other workers to do instead of handling myself). Also, this week, the other associate turned in her two-week notice, so soon I will be getting more hours again. It will be different with only the two of us, but it will mean more work time for me, which is really really nice.

I decided after thinking and praying about it, to wait to start school until January. It would just have been to rushed and difficult to get everything don't to get in this fall, and with the bills and everything, I really don't think it would have been prudent. Now I have a fair amount of time to get ready, file for student aid, and brush up on my math skills. I will still be going to the academic services this fall, and trying to absorb as much as they can teach me.

Well, I thin that's about it for now.


1 comment:

Blue Bellied Yank said...

It's always fun to read the posts and like half of them I don't have a clue who the author is?! I had no clue that folks made up a name and stuff?! Well, I know now but it's a bit late... I wouldn't even beable to figure out how to go through all the steps over again. I kept wanting to write something at on the Shofar Blog and it kept kicking my comment out so I ended up putting in my name just to see if it would help... sure enough it let me post then. So that's my story and I'm sticking to it!
Peace of Christ to you.