July 25, 2006

busy schedule...

So yesterday we had our meeting for shoo poo, and I suddenly realized how soon all that is going to be. I guess I've kinda been zoning this summer or something...

Today while I was at the Tech, I asked about getting into the accounting program, and they said that there is still room for the fall semester, though I'll have to really rush to get all the stuff in and everything. I'm not sure if I'll be able to yet, though, because I really am tight on the whole money thing (car's cost a lot...) and even if I apply today for finincial aid, it won't be ready before the start of the semester. I guess it's all in God's hands whether He wants me to start school now or in January (I think that's when the next term starts, right?). This is like a major big step for me, but I'm actually fairly excited to be going back to school (as well as rather scared, but I guess that's natural). My mind is yearning to be filled.

So, with this school thing, and getting ready for Shoo Poo, and everything else that were doing at church this fall, and then working, I really don't think I'm going to be having a ton of extra time for relaxing. I think that's a good thing though.

No update yet as to the whole car situation. I'm getting more used to riding my bike around town, and a big thank you to those of one who have given me rides!

1 comment:

Robert J Ellwood said...

Chill mah babies...!

you think yer busy...

well, you are.