May 23, 2006

Grow Cube

My cousin just introduced me to this wonderfully annoying game called Grow Cube, and it's brother game, Grow RPG. The main point of the game is to choose the different items in the right order to see the full simulation. It is actually really really fun. If you'd like to check it out, there is now a like to it in my Links column (way down at the bottom) titled "Grow Cube" from there you can find the Grow RPG. It took us about an hour to figure out the cube, but it was well worth it. Enjoy!


Karla said...

Hey, how ya doing on that daydreaming thing? I'm praying for you.

Karla said...

where are you? Not that I'm around a whole lot. Are you going on the retreat? I'll probably see you there before I can check back here!

Karla said...

pray for Carrie, too.

faith wings said...

I'm alive, I just haven't been on much lately... or something... and I'll pray for you both :)