February 22, 2007

the results are in

well, today we got the news. The doctor said they got all the cancer from the colon and bladder, but the bad news is that they did find some cancer cells in the lymph nodes. This means that as soon as he is healed, he will have to be starting chemo. He is healing well, they gave him his first actual food today (since sunday all he had been allowed was ice cubes). He's been up and walking around a bit, and the doctor says that he may be able to go home tomorrow. We're all thankful that he is recovering soo quickly. Though it is sad that he will have to have the chemo, I know that there is a reason for this, and trust God in everything that is going on. Thank you all for your continued prayers for all of us.

February 20, 2007


Well, today was my dad's surgery. The sergeon came and spoke to us just a bit ago, and he says everything went well. They had to remove a small peice of the bladder, but they seem very positive about having gotten everything. Dad's now resting, and soon we'll be able to go and see him. He'll be in the hospital at least till this weekend, and we'll know how the test results go on thursday. It's been a long day of waiting, but everything seems very hopeful at this time. I thank you all for your thoughts and prayers on this. They really have helped us all.

February 05, 2007

Random Thoughts

This picture is one I found a while back, and loved it. It's of some valley in California that you can see off the freeway or somesuch. I used it as a background on my computer for a whle. I just love the colors...

Yesterday Kayla gave me a "prayer shawl" (it looks like a very warm very large scarf, being almost two feet wide and at least eight feet long) that her grandma had made. I love it, it is soo warm and comphy (though very magenta in color, which is something new to me...) It's called a prayer shawl because you pray the entire time you make it.

I recently have been in the mood for watching old eighties movies. So I went and got "Don't Tell Mom the Babysitters Dead" from the video store. It was great fun. I also got "Fried Green Tomatoes", which is one of my favorites. Next I want to watch "Son in Law", which I am getting from the library (since that is by far the cheapest way to get movies). If anyone can think of any other "classic" eighties movies, tell me, so I can watch them.

As far as books go, I am currently reading "Just As I Am" The Autobiography of Billy Graham. I love it. He has such a down to earth style of writting, and he's not afraid of laughing at himself. His childhood really helps me connect with him (not that I grew up as he did, but that lifestyle has always been one I love and admire). I've really grown to have a deep respect for his wife as well. I really suggest reading it if you haven't (and don't be scared away by the length, it really isn't that bad once you get into it).

I have been currently informed that I have OCD. I never really thought I did, but after a conversation durring the fold and staple, I really started paying attention to my actions and reactions, and I have come to the conclusion that yes, I do have this sad condition, but it rather selective in nature (or so I believe). I guess the only way I'll learn the severity of it is if/when I get married. I don't think this is a bad thing to have, as long as I watch my attitude about it. If I'm constantly getting annoyed about co-workers messing up things and such, then there is a problem. I don't know...

Well, now I have spent nearly 3 hours messing around on blogger, updating my blog, reading everyone elses, commenting, and playing around a bit. Ech... I think it's time to go and do something useful for a while...


Just thought I should update you about my dad. He's gone in and talked to the surgeon. They set a date for his surgery, on the 20th of this month. The surgeon is supposed to be very good at this kind of surgery, and is also well-known and well-liked. He informed my dad that this kind of cancer is a slow moving variety, so the chances are high that it hasn't spead at all, and should be very easy to remove. They also took care of all the preliminary tests and such, so that everything will be ready to go on the 20th. Dad's really doing well. He is thankful for all the prayers going his way. He says he is concerned, but not scared.

It has been a very long, and somewhat difficult week. There has been some other news that I've recieved lately that has caused me some concern (though I really cannot speak of it on here). It seems like this has been a hard week for many people at church. I guess this should be an encouragement to us. It means we're doing something right. It would be nice to have a bit simpler week this week though...

P.S. In other news, the cat is healing fine, and really seems to be enjoying all the extra attention, and living in the house. So far he has not had any fights with the three resident cats, and I hope to keep it that way.